All About Cannabis Press Journal

The 4 Most Effective Methods for Inducing Stress in Your Cannabis

Jun 23

There are many good types of stress you can use throughout your growing process. Good stress can make cannabis plants more robust and produce larger buds and more resin. Plants that can survive high levels of stress and thrive under it are the best.

1. Growing Room Air Circulation

Air circulation is the most popular way to stress plants. This is because most people have it in their home for other reasons. You can use an oscillating fan to force air through young plants. This will cause the stem to become stronger and thicker than if it isn't.

2. Plant Training

Plant training refers to the management of plant growth using various levels of applied stress to alter the plant's shape and size. These stressors can alter the plants' growth by changing their nutrient distribution pathways and modulating metabolic rates. They also physically spread the plant out laterally, which makes it easier to maintain a uniform canopy. This can be achieved in many ways. Although some may seem extreme, you should try them if possible.

Low Stress-Training (LST): Low stress-training is a technique that uses small amounts of force to promote branch growth in the desired direction. It also opens up lower nodes for higher levels of light intensity. This stress can be applied throughout vegetative growth to encourage thick stem growth. It will also increase nutrient/water delivery capabilities during blooming. This method is great for increasing the yield per plant and keeping the plant's height down. ScrOG (Screen of Green) trellising, tomato cages, and using bamboo stakes (sticking-and-spreading) are all great methods of applying this type of gentle stress.

Super-cropping: Break your plant! This may seem extreme but it can increase your yield if done properly. Super-cropping refers to the practice of taking excessively tall growth and bending it in the desired growth direction until the stem's inner structure is broken. It is a way to destroy the inner fibers and not cause any damage to the outer structure.

After a few days you will notice a knuckle at the bend. This is a sign that the stem is healing. This is similar to how our bodies repair muscle fibers that have been damaged. You are activating the plant's defense mechanism by causing damage. This promotes increased nutrient intake as the plant repairs the damage. The stress causes the plant to be more able to transport nutrients to the top nodes of the branch and opens the lower branches to more sunlight.

Topping: Topping, the most popular method of controlling cannabis plants in commercial cultivation, is Topping. This involves removing the topmost shoot from the branch. The top node is split into two shoots by doing this. You can do this multiple times during vegetative growth to keep the desired height of the canopy. This technique can be used to produce bushy structures that will increase the yield potential of some strains. This technique is best used for vegetative growth and should not be used for flowering.

Lollipopping - Lollipopping is another method of directing plant hormones towards the branches or nodes that are of interest by defoliation. This technique involves removing the undergrowth with the intent of encouraging strong new growth. Similar to the previous techniques, you can direct vegetative growth by stretching branches to the desired location on the canopy.

According to Surna Cultivation Technologies, a leader in cannabis cultivation:

Lollipopping is used to discourage the development of "popcorn buds", which are small, underdeveloped flowers that are not suitable for flower sales. It works by directing growth to each branch's top cola. This technique should be used before the plant is placed in flowering. It can also be used between 2 and 3 weeks after the 12/12 photoperiod, depending on the plant's genetics.

3. Cold temperatures

Although it might seem bad to allow cannabis plants to become cold in their ideal growth climate, the room can be allowed to cool down to between 50-60 at night. The natural growth cycle of cannabis plants is mirrored by a sequence of cool nights and warm days (lights on), towards the end. Many cannabis genetics flower in the colder months.

Colder temperatures increase the plant's metabolic rate, which results in higher resin production and more attractive flower colors. Cool nights at the end a flower cycle and the plants' genetic predisposition to produce purple colors are the causes of the pronounced purple pistols that you see in your Instagram feed.

However, it is important to remember that humidity can be difficult to control at low temperatures. If you do try this, make sure to discuss it with your mechanical engineer.

4. Drought

Another method to increase growth is drought stress. When done correctly, simulating drought can cause plants to respond by increasing their root growth rate to prepare for shortages and increase the oxygen levels to the root zone. This method can be used by advanced growers to increase their plants' growth.

This method is not generally recommended; using this method of stressing your plants can quickly escalate into serious stress. While you are flowering, you don't want your plants to wilt or develop an embolism. This technique can be used in a test room to get familiar with it before you attempt to integrate it into commercial cannabis production.